The goal of the new design is to support several reusable components with the intent of keeping them light weight and modular. Some desirable features include:
1. A JavaScript based navigation widget
This could also include common header, footer, left-hand navigation, etc. The
idea is to use the browser to apply common UI components into the page. This
appeals to me as a software designer because it enables one solution to be used
consistently across all application components within a site having nontrivial
architecture, regardless of the technology or templating mechanism used. As
long as the UI is rendered in a browser and each application can provide the
same hooks (possibly just insert at start or end of page) then this will cut
down on re-implementation of the same functionality leading to inconsistencies
and annoying maintenance issues.
At first, the design would focus on a simple and static navigational structure,
possibly leaving a second tier navigation for each participating application to
manage on its own (probably won’t have that complicated of a site myself). The
more static the JavaScript, the better the user experience from a performance
Eventually, the navigation will also be concerned with customized navigation
elements. Custom navigation assumes a user has been authorized or has
selectively chosen to view a subset of the overall site. This user experience
feature becomes more important if you have private areas of your site or the
site becomes so large, the navigation cannot comfortably fit within a single
view. I personally had a revolutionary thought a while back (tunnel vision,
I suppose) when I realized a Java Servelet (or any other dynamic web code) is
just as capable of rendering JavaScript dynamically as it is rendering HTML.
Note that custom navigation requires some concept of identity for the current
user. Identity will not be within scope of this widget, but will need to
consume that identity information, which leads me to the next component.
2. Identity Service
Identity management is a nontrivial issue to tackle when dealing with
distributed applications. There have been many attempts at solving the problems
in this domain, and even the simplest solutions are not as simple as one would
hope, particularly when implementing both the identity authority and consumers
for a single site. Since my goal is to aggregate many technologies under one
web experience, I will need to have them relay identity seamlessly for Single
Sign On, as well as share basic information between them… if identity is
needed. One technical detail in my favor is I intend to run much of this under
a single domain, which makes cookies a viable option for relaying some critical
details (e.g. a cross-application session cookie containing a token that can be
used to look up identity and session status info from a centralized RESTful web
service). Of course, since there are already standards surrounding identity
distribution, it would also be nice to leverage some existing libraries for
supporting this. Since I’ve already had experience with OpenID, perhaps
a light-weight OpenID Connect server would be a good path forward, though
a bigger investment in time and brain power that may not be feasible in the
near future.
This feature is of particular interest to me because I’ve been working in this
space professionally for the past few years. I have some ideas on how to
simplify this given this specific use case, and have a desire to explore the
use of Akka’s actors to support this. Ideally, the server would be extremely
easy to start up and configure, and is designed out of the box to support high
availability if not global distribution; however, I’ve not been able to get
a global distribution under my belt yet. The biggest threat to this not
happening is I will not be implementing and/or using this in my day job. This
may also turn out to be a blessing, as it will force the implementation to be
simple due to time constraints and a “just get it done” mentality. Using
a terse language like Scala may help as well, but running in the JVM does
somewhat ding my goals for minimal resource usage. Right now, I am taking the
Hudson/Jenkens deployment model as inspiration, and I’m hoping that if I can
implement this once, integration with other systems should be low hanging
3. A JavaScript based commenting widget
The design principal is pretty much the same as the navigational widget, but
this is intended for distributing a comments & collaboration system that is
centrally managed. The thought for this widget came to mind because I intend to
serve most of my content in a static format going forward rather than running
an application server to serve up the same stuff over and over. This has
benefits from a resource usage perspective, as well as an operational
support perspective. The fewer moving parts, the more reliable and less
critical the issues.
The django server I’ve been running in “production” (with extremely low
traffic) has not given me much grief at all, and it already has a pretty good
set of administrative functions for comments, so maybe I’ll build this feature
on top of what I already have running.
One potential wrench in the works I’ll have to work around is cross site
JavaScripting support. Keeping all applications running as application
contexts under a common domain will make this a non-issue, but I don’t want to
design myself into a corner that prevents sites with differing domains from
using the commenting tool. This may require a kind of server-side proxy that
lives on the different domain, but relays data via a server to server
communication… food for thought.
The concept of identity also plays a part in posting comments, though it isn’t
absolutely critical. The initial implementation may function anonymously but
allowing the user to provide a name via a form field. Then as identity gets
rolled out, a signed in user would automatically have their name populated and
fewer limitations would be applied on what the user can post.